Schooliago Uses AI To Reduce The Marking And Feedback Workload For Advanced Maths Teachers and Tutors
Created by a teacher for teachers
10,000+ Questions
...and counting. Our continually updated question bank is based on previous exams and aligned with the current curriculum.
2nd Attempt
After submitting an answer, students may optionally attempt a similar question to learn from their mistakes.
Integrated Notifications
Tightly integrated notification system facilitates efficient student-teacher communication
Secure and Private
We prioritise your privacy and are passionate about maintaining the security of all data on the Platform.
Seamless Integration
Easily incorporate Schooliago into your existing teaching routine, with flexible assignment creation.
Pricing for Schools
We offer a per year package:
£10 per student per year (+VAT).
Contact us to purchase a subscription.
We offer a free trial
No strings, 45 days, unlimited students. T&Cs apply.
Contact us to request a trial.
What Our Students and Teachers Say
In my first week of exploring Schooliago for A-level Mathematics teaching, I'm struck by its potential. This AI-powered system promises to generate an unlimited number of curriculum-aligned problem sets, a feature that could revolutionize our approach to problem-solving exercises.
One of the aspects I'm most excited about is the system's claim to evaluate students' handwritten work. By focusing on the whole mathematical journey and not just the final answer, Schooliago could potentially offer a more comprehensive understanding of each student's thought process. The immediate and personalized feedback, if as precise as it suggests, could serve as an effective tool for reinforcing student understanding of key concepts.
Schooliago also proposes to lighten educators' workload by automating marking and reporting. This could free up more time for actual teaching, mentoring, and crafting strategies that meet my students' unique needs.
In essence, based on my initial impression, Schooliago seems poised to transform the A-Level mathematics education landscape, potentially making learning more efficient for students and teaching more effective for educators like myself. However, further use will ultimately prove its efficacy and transformational potential.
Frequently Asked Questions
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